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Crinoid Calyx?


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Ordovician, Maquoketa or Dubuque shale. This is the Motherload of crinoid rocks that I have found here! About 70% of the rocks sparkle with white crinoid segments!

So now I am trying to "see" crinoid parts. Not real happy with the prep or the pics. Prep is difficult with these guys as they are tiny and over doing scrapes them away! Suggestions on prepping crinoids in limestone WELCOME!

Suggestions on websites I can study--think amateur without a lot of patience. I've tried reading Brower's paper on Ordovician crinoids in MN and it is just too intense for me. :)

I have the hunt posted on my blog along with a tremendous brach hunt I did yesterday. Trilo hunt coming up!

Bev :)

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Bev for some reason most of the pics you post now are tiny. I can't begin to see what they might be most just look a little bit of rock at best. Sorry I can't help.

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Yep, when I click on them they come up the same size as in the post, or smaller! I can't really see the fossil so I can't say anything useful about it.


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Hay Bev ya The last one shows up bigger but ya cant zoom in one the fossil :( I can't tell what it is hun. Try getting some diff pics or resizing them with a photo editor.

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Suggestions on photo editting? On the camera they are mega big. Then I crop them and post them. Before they blew up bigger, but these don't. What am I doing wrong????


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Bev, the 1st 2 pix are only 62 and 75K in size. Try saving them about 500 -600 k in size (like your third picture), I don't know any easy way to prep. fossils that are the same hardness as the surrounding matrix.

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" I think, therefore I collect fossils." _ Me

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Thanks for the reply Herb. I just tried blowing it up 500%, but then it got too fuzzy to ID. Other ideas?

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Bev once they are reduced in size it is rare that making them bigger works. You need to start with your original and resize it down rather than the small one and resize up.

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Increasing the size of tiny pics only makes images out of focus.
1. Save the original pics from you camera on you computer.
2. Then crop the pics.
3. Then post the cropped versions.

If posting a number of pics and run into a problem of size limits...

Just post those pics in a separate post below the first one.

If you crop a portion out of a large picture and the cropped portion

is TINY (like pics 1 and 2) ... Then you might want to take pictures

of only a segment of the rock instead of cropping a picture of the entire rock.

Regardless ... If you preview the the posts before posting you will see

if the pictures are too tiny for us to see detail necessary for identification.

Edited by Indy
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Okay, I think I'm beginning to understand a bit now... Will take new pics and hope they turn out if the rain will ever stop! Pics taken outside work so much better!

Bev :)

The more I learn, I realize the less I know.


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Bev ...

I downloaded picture 3 (the entire rock)
and then cropped it to only show the fossil you posted in picture #1

Here is my crop ... almost identical to your crop version

I'm assuming pic 3 (the entire rock) was not re-sized smaller. If picture 3 was re-sized smaller and if you cropped the larger original image...then the crop would be larger.

Your cropping technique is not the problem. The problem is the fossil on the rock is small. The goal would be to take a picture so when viewing the picture...the fossil would be larger. This could be done by just moving the camera closer to the rock trying to take a picture of only the fossil area. Problem there would be focus. If the lens is too close...You will get a larger picture but it will be out of focus. Take a few and review and then you will know when viewing the pictures if they are large enough or in or out of focus.

If your camera has a macro setting...usually this setting shows a little flower symbol...you could experiment using the macro setting which is designed to take pictures of small objects...the picture will be larger. However, it might require taking several pictures at different distances to hone in to find 1 picture that is in focus. 1 inch closer or further away from the fossil when using the macro setting can make the difference between an in focus and out of focus image. Also...The closer the camera is to the fossil the more light is required.

You have already discovered taking pictures in natural sunlight to be the best light. The colors as well as focus are improved with adequate light and using sunlight will give you the best natural colors in a photograph.

I start off with a mental image of a picture I wish to share ... including the size of picture, and then attempt to create it. In other words I want an original picture that I can crop and have the fossil portion as large as possible. Sometimes cropping is not necessary.

By the way ...

I learned most of what I know about photography from trial and error

taking many pictures and experimenting with different settings, distances,

and light.

Edited by Indy
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Max image size on camera and then cropped.


Whole image but resized by 50% to fit here.


The more I learn, I realize the less I know.


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It certainly looks 'platy', but it's not quite clear enough to be sure. I'm hoping for an edrioasteroid. :)

Context is critical.

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Clear enough as to photo, or clear enough as to cleaning?

I'm wide open to suggestions on either! LOL :)

The more I learn, I realize the less I know.


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Clear enough as to photo, or clear enough as to cleaning?

I'm wide open to suggestions on either! LOL :)

Hopefully just to photo. :)

Context is critical.

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