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Fifteen years ago, my wife and I spent our honeymoon in Nova Scotia, enjoying the Carboniferous. We just got back from our redux and Joggins was the shining star of the trip! I can't recommend it enough.

Here we have Alethopteris, a nice set of Arthropleura tracks, the mighty Calamites, our superb guide John Calder with Sigillaria, a lycopod cone cast, everyone's fave: Lepidodendron, and my find of the day: a carapace of the phyllocarid shrimp Pygocephalus dubius.








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And here we have Stigmaria still pretending it's a root, another pretending it's a tree, the same one reconnecting with a set of rootlets, a rare Undichnia (fish trace), and the lovely Fiona waiting for the tide to return.






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Very nice. Joggins is an iconic site. I especially like the Pygocephalus carapace.

Out of curiosity, did you have to leave all those fossils on the beach where you found them?


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It's great to see that after 15 years, you still haven't lost your passion! Congrats on the happy marriage (and your fossil finds).


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Very nice. Joggins is an iconic site. I especially like the Pygocephalus carapace.

Out of curiosity, did you have to leave all those fossils on the beach where you found them?


Most stayed were we found them but the ones that left the beach are all staying in Nova Scotia museums.

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It's great to see that after 15 years, you still haven't lost your passion! Congrats on the happy marriage (and your fossil finds).


Thanks, Rob!

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