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New To Forum/fossil Hunting


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Hello all, I am new to the forum and fossil hunting. I apologize for any ignorance in advance. However, I've been picking up fossils for awhile. I'm an avid bottle digger/Indian artifact collector. I found this the other day and was wondering if it could be coprolite? I think I got that right. May be just a rock. I was hoping someone could fill me in. I look forward to learning a lot. Thanks in advance.


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Welcome to the forum! Instead of saying that you're ignorant, tell people that you have "extra capacity to learn" instead. That sounds better and it's probably more of an reflection on what you really are in terms of fossil collecting as well. That doesn't strike me as being a coprolites- it's just a cool rock. In fact, that's one of the coolest rocks I've seen in a while. Nice find!

Edited by Pumpkinhead
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Hello and thanks the speedy replies! Extra capacity to learn, I like that! I kind of figured it might just be a rock. I run across all sorts of things while hunting fields. Some man made, some not of course :) Thanks again for the help.

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Hello Howard, I just tried your tests. It does scratch glass and a penny. However, the knife doesn't seem to do a thing to it.

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Forgot to mention I found it in a plowed field that runs along a stream.

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Looks like a chunk of pyrite. If you scratch it on a white tile it should leave a orange streak.

Pyrite streaks black, I think.

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It does look like a pyrite nodule. No coprolite here.

I would love to see some of your bottles and artifacts. Just make sure they're posted in the right sections.


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If it is pyrite and you have any way to grind it (on the side) it will leave a black residue that stains everything and give off a sulfur smell. The other potential could be slag from an old iron furnace. If it was found in a field it was probably exposed to the environment for a long time. Slag would hold up a lot longer due to the silica content than pyrite would. The have enough different properties to determine which it could be.

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