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Purse State Park Trip


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Hello everyone. I'm new t the forum and to fossil hunting in general. I just came back from Myrtle Beach and found quite a few shark teeth on the beach and now I'm hooked. I'm planning on heading to Purse State Park early tomorrow morning with half the day that I can devote to looking for some fossils and shark teeth. I'm just wondering where I should head on the beach to try to find some nice teeth and maybe some other kinds of fossils? Thanks in advance!

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When you get to the Beach head left which is down river. You can walk this for a few miles or so. Check the tides, there won't be much beach further down if the tide is up. Good luck!

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High tide at Liverpool Point at 11;45 AM - sounds like shrinking beaches as the morning wore on. The recent tides here have been higher than predicted, at least on the Chesapeake side (supermoon, storms, ...)

Looking forward to hearing your report

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Well I got down to the beach at about 6 am but could only look til 1030 because the tide took away the entire beach and the waves were crashing pretty hard making the water murky. I did find 60 shark teeth all on the small side with the biggest one being a little over an inch tall but it was broke in half :( But I'll take it as a successful trip even with a bunch of small teeth.

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