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Ok, I found these in different locations and they just looked so similar I kept them. I really think they are probably nothing but rocks that look similar, just wanted to make sure, thanks so much for taking the time to look at my stuff.post-15631-0-35344600-1410533491_thumb.jpgpost-15631-0-86961900-1410533520_thumb.jpgpost-15631-0-27333300-1410533585_thumb.jpg

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I don't see any sign that these are fossils. What features attracted you to pick them up?

I don't know bone, so unless somebody comes along and says they are bone fragments, I would have to say "rocks".

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The left piece looks like it was formed from sedimentation and appears to have something in it by the looks of the first photo. The second piece looks like sandstone. The shape the share is intriguing. As my knowledge of fossils found in your area is little to none, I'd treat my opinion as highly subjective.

...I'm back.

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Oh, I get it. The "V" notch in both of them.

In your area I would definately be on the look out for indian artifacts, and maybe those are some? The indians made many tools, not all of which are known and even the ones that ARE known, their purpose is often speculation.

The fact they both have a "V" notch and were found near to each other is odd, and lends itself to the idea they are not natural and were made on purpose.

I don't see any obvious signs of them being "worked".

So, it is possible those are indian artifacts, but I don't see glaring evidence in favor of it.

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I have only collected for 1 year. I'm sorry, I don't know a lot about fossils. I did however get a couple of books today and looked up cephalopods. I have one that is about 1 1/2" across, it is very deteriorated and it doesn't have ridges around, it seems smooth. I will be on the look for more this fall. I have had a wonderful time with this new hobby and this forum is really wonderful.

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Great you should be able to find gastropods and brachiopods as well. If they occur like they do in Kentucky they are commonly found in siderite nodules, they look like big round reddish brown eggs or bowing balls. People around here keep saying they found dinosaurs eggs. You can look at my gallery or my web site, I have a lot of examples of Mississippian fossils that should be very similar to ones you might be able to find. Good luck.

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