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Need Help To Id This Bone


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I found this bone few days ago at work, my guess is it is a vertebra of something..... Here is what little info I can provide:

Found in Central Alaska, spotted it while excavating what looks like old mine/rock tailings out from under an old building foundation, ~7 inches in length 4 tall and 3 wide. It's in rough shape. I'm guessing it needs to be preserved?

Any help is appreciated.







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Looks like a large artiodactyl atlas vertebra, the first one in the vertebral column right behind the skull. My guess is a large Cervid or Bovid.

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7 inches seems large for a domestic animal like a cow. The bone shows none of the usual signs of age like discoloration. My guess would be a large animal like moose or elk?

Edited by jpevahouse
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Looks to be a large bison or musk ox. I have 2 that look just like that and same size from the Kansas River that are most likely B. antiquus.

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