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Possible Dinosaur Fossil


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Hi. I found this item West of Ft. Worth, Texas along with many Ammonite pieces. It may be my imagination, but it resembles a tibia to me. I cleaned it up and that is all. What is your opinion, please.post-6324-0-46891900-1412183513_thumb.jpgpost-6324-0-85811900-1412183552_thumb.jpg

Melanie B)

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I am no expert, but I don't see any bone-like structure on this item.

Sorry, but, I think this is an oddly erroded chunk of limestone.

The fact that it was found in association with ammonite fragments indicates that where it was found was a marine area, and while not impossible for dinosaurs to "bloat and float", it is unlikely.



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I agree with Tim. Definitely looks suggestive of bone but it is not.

A fossil hunter needs sharp eyes and a keen search image, a mental template that subconsciously evaluates everything he sees in his search for telltale clues. -Richard E. Leakey


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This, and a leopard print dress, and you've got your Halloween costume :)

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“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

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>May your wonders never cease!

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