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Nebraska Fossils


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Carl -

Niobrara State Park has a lot of Niobrara Fm. marine deposits. Many years ago we asked permission at the HQ to hunt and it was granted if we showed them what we found. Got a couple of small fish verts, scales and jaws from Enchodus.

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What part of Nebraska are you going too? The northwest corner of Nebraska is some of the best fossil hunting in the world. And is also one of the best parts of the U. S. see attached photos.



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Good morning Carl! MANY years ago, I visited an abandoned quarry along the Platte River just to the southwest of Omaha. The quarry was cut in a Pennsylvania limestone with abundant "rice rock" (triticites). I seem to recall finding a few small brachs and crinoid stems. I am gonna guess that I was maybe 13 at the time and I am nearly 60 now. SOMEBODY might know the place I am referring to. Dave

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