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Archaeologists Discover Remains Of Ice-Age Infants In Alaska


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Archaeologists discover remains of Ice-Age

infants in Alaska (Burial site and artifacts
provide unique insights into funeral practices
and other aspects of a pre-literate society)
National science Foundation, November 10, 2014
Remains of ice-age infants unearthed in
Interior Alaska among oldest in North America
by Laurel Andrews, Alaska Dispatch News,
Ice Age Babies Surrounded by Weapon Parts
Found in Alaska by Helen Thompson
smithsonian.com, November 10, 2014
The paper is:
Potter, B. A., J. D. Irish, J. D. Reuther, and
H. J. McKinney, 2014, New insights into Eastern
Beringian mortuary behavior: A terminal
Pleistocene double infant burial at Upward
Sun River. Proceedings of the NAtional Academy
of Sciences of the United States. published
ahead of print November 10, 2014,
Paul H.
Edited by Oxytropidoceras
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