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Items Found In Jackson County Florida


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Most of the black pieces are bone fragments or phosphate chunks. There are a couple of shark teeth in there. Between the pennies is a spent bullet. The white thing is a grass carp pharyngeal(?) tooth. But my fave is right below the lower penny: a fragment of mastodon tooth!

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1 penny

2 grass carp pharyngeal(?) tooth

3 turtle shell

4 soft shelled turtle shell (Trionyx)


6 penny


8 bullet (used)




12 a fragment of mastodon tooth







Edited by tmaier
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I have to disagree with 3 & 4. 3 looks more like a fragment of a large mammal bone to me. And 4 is too light on detail for me to see much more than a phosphate bit.

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Wow! Thanks guys! We have a ton more pieces that aren't identifiable by me at all. I only recognize the shark teeth! :)

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There are a lot of fossilized bones that are just fragments, and hard to identify beyond being bone. You should post them anyway, because the people here can really identify that stuff, but not everything.

What I do with all the fossil bones is to make a Victorian curio display out of it by using an attractive jar, like this antique canning jar, and then display the bones in it. On a cold winter day you can dump them out on a table and they become pieces to puzzle over, over a hot mocha java.


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