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Hook Shaped Bone Id

Budgie B

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Hi everyone, I have found this hook shaped bone thingy, that I would like to ID?

I found the bone about 100 metres from a ( Wedge tailed Eagle) nest, and I am not sure if the two are related or not but maybe they are..the bone is slightly concaved on one flat side and convexed on the other. Im not sure how old it is? But I have found some very old fossils in this same area in Western New South Wales,

Appreciate your thoughts




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Looks like the coronoid process of a lower jaw, of an ungulate. But given your locality, that may be misleading.

Edited by RichW9090

The plural of "anecdote" is not "evidence".

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Looks like the coronoid process of a lower jaw, of an ungulate. But given your locality, that may be misleading.

Totally agree with Rich.


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Plenty of farms out there I'm sure....

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Here's a lower jaw, of a cow, and then your bone overlaid on it.

lower Jaw

coronoid Set

The plural of "anecdote" is not "evidence".

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Thanks everyone! I'm pretty sure you have the Id spot on, it looks very much like a cows jaw ungulate, I can't believe I have seen hundreds of these in my life and didn't recognise it! I can't wait to find a complete jaw now and compare it with my bone fragment..

Thankyou for your help!!

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