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Hi fellow Fossil Forum members. I have been collecting Vermont trilobites in a location for awhile and am wondering if both of these trilobites are Flexicalymene senaria or do I have two different species. I keep getting conflicting opinions from my fellow collectors. I collected both trilobites from the same area. When I prepped them I thought that were some significant differences in the cephalons. Any thoughts would be appreciated.post-9139-0-21345200-1440857712_thumb.jpgpost-9139-0-19268700-1440857748_thumb.jpgpost-9139-0-60258500-1440857779_thumb.jpg


I don't think they are the same. The one with the circle around it seems to have more of a "bell-shaped" glabella, which suggests it may be a Gravicalymene.



I forgot to mention they are middle Ordivician from the Chazy formation. The photos of Flexicalymene senaria on the web look nothing like the cephalon on the left.


For comparison:




What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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