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Help Identifying Kem Kem Dinosaur/Reptile bones


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I purchased a large collection of bones and teeth from the Kem Kem region recently and am having trouble identifying some of the bones. Just wondering if anyone can help?

I've attached two pictures and have some ideas as to what the bones might be, but I'm pretty inexperienced when it comes to dinosaur/reptile bones from Morocco.

1 & 2 - Theropod Limb Bones?

3 - Theropod Vertebra?

4,5,6 & 7 - partial digits/limbs bones from reptiles or dinosaurs?

8 & 9 - not sure, 8 is possibly a rib?

10,11,12,13 & 14 - Ribs from reptiles or dinosaurs?

Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance :)




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I think you are going to have a hard time with the fragments and that they are covered with matrix. Theropod bones are hollow, can you see that feature in any of your bones? Can you take a side and top picture of 7

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13 is a rib, does not look dinosaurian but not sure

Can you remove any matrix from the vertebra it's hard to see any features

Edited by Troodon
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Thanks for the reply Troodon. I've attached two more pics of 7 and another of 13, which shows some of the internal bone structure. I appreciate some of them are partials/covered in matrix, so identifying them is pretty tricky, but thanks for your help :)




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Oh, and yes, number 7 appears to be hollow, so I'm guessing a dromaeosaur digit? Looking from the top, 1 & 12 seem to be pretty hollow too, just filled with matrix.

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If they are hollow and not just weathered good chance its dinosaurian. The wall thickness should be a few mm thick and smooth inside. You may have to try to clean the inside some up to get a better view. If the matrix has not been glued it may not be difficult. To try to put a genus against any of these bones is impossible, not much diagnostic about them.

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I also have two theropod dino claws. I'm guessing ID beyond that isn't possible?

Well the first step is to try to determine if they are claws versus something that has been fabricated. I do not like what I see in these pictures. Can you take additional ones from all sides

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I agree on the fabrication aspect of at least the whiter 'claw'. It looks like it has been carved into a claw shape form a larger piece of bones. Note how the tapering end is basically all internal bone. The yellower of the two is a tougher call.

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Oh no, I really hope that's not the case as I payed quite a bit for these two claws and purchased them from someone I trust. That said, I've never actually owned a Moroccan theropod claw before. I'll attach a few more photos...





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Ouch. Both of the "claws" look carved to me.

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I've just taken a closer look at both and I have to agree. On the white claw, the grain of the bone seem all wrong and it doesn't seem to flow around like I guess you might expect from a genuine claw? Also, there seems to be evidence of tools being used to point the tip. However, I can't see any of this on the darker claw, the grain seems different and it looks like it was found in two pieces and stuck back together?

Either way, I guess I'll just learn from this. At least I know what a fake claw looks like now :mellow:

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Oh well, at least now I know. I'm very grateful of your help, otherwise I may have sold these on to another poor soul at some point. Thanks guys!

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A lot of times the dealers don't know what they're selling either and they've been fooled through ignorance

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A lot of times the dealers don't know what they're selling either and they've been fooled through ignorance

This is so very true, and I can attest to this regarding my own collection. As Troodon has been so helpful in working with me to correctly identify the specimens in my collection over the last couple of weeks, I have learned one very important lesson: If you are not sure of something, ask on this forum before you decide to purchase. There are so many knowledgable people here to help. You can't always depend on a dealer to know what they are selling. I've learned that the hard way too.

I'm so sorry that this has happened to you. Perhaps you could ask the seller for a refund. If they are a reputable dealer, they should refund your money.

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