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Paleozoik fosill 300 million years original


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turkey -- diyarbakir magma beneath 300 million year-old fossils

I found this place in the seas and oceans without fossil starfish





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Hello gezgin

Your echinoid fossil looks to be some type of Clypeaster. Here is a google search of Clypeaster - https://www.google.com/search?q=clypeaster&biw=1263&bih=798&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwit5aWg_-XMAhWJHD4KHRM8BC4Q_AUIBigB

The area in your map is Neogene according to a bedrock map of Turkey-https://cografyabilim.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/tc3bcrkiye-jeoloji-haritasc4b1.jpg. The Neogene is from 2.5 million to 23 million years ago.

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merhaba gezgin

Sizin Ekinoid Fosil Clypeaster çeşit Olarak görünüyor. İşte Clypeaster Bir google arama oldugunu

Haritanızda alan TÜRKİYE- Bir kaya haritasına Göre Neojen edilir https://cografyabilim.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/tc3bcrkiye-jeoloji-haritasc4b1.jpg . Neojen 2,5 milyon milyon 23 Yıl Önce degil.

Hello, thank you for dante found marked in red


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Have an idea of these stones sold

From the Forum Rules and Community Standards:

"Please understand that The Fossil Forum cannot appraise the commercial value of a fossil; this is beyond what can be done through pictures on the internet, so please don't ask."



   VFOTM.png.f1b09c78bf88298b009b0da14ef44cf0.png    VFOTM  --- APRIL - 2015       MOTM.png.61350469b02f439fd4d5d77c2c69da85.png      PaleoPartner.png.30c01982e09b0cc0b7d9d6a7a21f56c6.png.a600039856933851eeea617ca3f2d15f.png     Postmaster1.jpg.900efa599049929531fa81981f028e24.jpg        IPFOTM -- MAY - 2024   IPFOTM5.png.fb4f2a268e315c58c5980ed865b39e1f.png

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do not understand the fossil museum here where I can have them tested or how can I find out the exact age of the oyster shell stands Can I take part of it

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From the Forum Rules and Community Standards:

"Please understand that The Fossil Forum cannot appraise the commercial value of a fossil; this is beyond what can be done through pictures on the internet, so please don't ask."


I think he meant old, not sold. How can he find out how old they are.

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I think he meant old, not sold. How can he find out how old they are.

245 million years old volcano was removed under ruins

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It is not as old as that volcano.

Following up on Al Dente's lead that it is for the genus Clypeaster, I find that a common species of that area is Clypeaster scillae, and it resembles your specimen. That species is from the Miocene, about 5 to 20 million years ago.

And I found another thread on Fossil Forum about that species, and it is from Turkey, also, very close to your region... http://www.thefossilforum.com/index.php?/topic/33706-clypeaster-turkey/

And the shell shown on the right is a scallop, mostly an internal cast, but with some of the shell material still on it.

So your fossils are likely 5 to 20 million years old. Nice looking fossils.

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they disprove the theory of evolution

How so?

How do you draw that conclusion?

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they disprove the theory of evolution

Not in any way. Your fellow countryman, Hanrun Yahya has written a great big book that basically says that because some animals look just like fossils that this disproves evolution. His book is so incredibly wrong and badly written that it is laughable. Unfortunately I hear he has a pretty good following in Turkey.

Please tell us how this fossil disproves evolution.

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