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never seen anything like this.found while rock collecting.looks to be some sort of plant maybe.or maybe tissue from some sort of mammal,or sea creature type,unsure.very center has crystal like makeup.looks clear.runs through to other end.










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Yes, you found a rugose coral. :) 


If you can tell us where you found it, that would also help in determining the geologic age of the area in which you are collecting. There was a time in the Paleozoic when vast coral reefs extended to such extent that make our current coral reefs pale by comparison. They became home to a lot of interesting creatures.


Corals may not seem exciting to some, and may not trigger that "wow" of finding bones or plants, they are fascinating animals and have had an enormous impact on ecosystems. The destruction of a coral reef can spell the end of several species that depend on them as a habitat. :) 

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I agree. It's a rugose coral in waterworn chert pebble. Nice one!  :)

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