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Deep Spings and Cole Hill 1/27/2018


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Yesterday turned out to be a great day to go on a fossilhunt in Central New York. We arrived at Deep Springs at 10am and found that while there was still some snow and ice, there was also plenty of exposed rock to search through. On the ride out, the sun had stayed behind the clouds mostly. And then when we arrived, almost on cue the sun popped out the entire time we were there. We immediatly got to work. For me the day was about collecting "fossils", not just Dipleuras. It has been so long since my last hunt I wanted to collect any worthy specimens. For those who know me, I am not much of a shale splitter. I much rather pull up slabs. But due to the weathering that has gone on from the emtreme freeze/ thaw the rock was not cooperating to pull slabs. That was fine though because there were plenty of slabs lying around from previous trip that only needed a light tap of the hammer to break. Many I could break with only my fingers. But this turned out to be a blessing and a curse as many worthy items ended up crumbling. We all found some decent items though. Trilo parts and pieces were abundant.  Greenops, Eldregeops, and Dipleura pygydiums and cephalons. Devin and I both found nearly complete greenops, just missing spines. Dylan found an imprint from a decent size Dipleura thorax. As always there were plenty of brachs, bivalves, gastros,and a few cephalopods. I found a nice criniod piece with a bunch of segmentswhich later got stepped on by tiny feet and broke in half. But I kept it and will glue it back together. David found a few things but he isn't as into fossils as the rest of us so he only kept a few small items. We stayed for about 2 1/2 hours and decided to hit up Cole Hill, which is about a half hour drive from Deep Springs. Sadly , on the drive over the sun disappeared.  The temp definitely got cooler,  but it was still not but for January. When we arrived there it was pretty much the same conditions, some snow and ice, but plenty of exposed rock. I climbed up to the ledge while the boys looked in the talus pile at the base of the cliff. David decided he was done for the day so he sat in the car to take a nap. Unlike Deep Springs, the matrix is much harder here. Not easy to split but I did what I could. I told the boys we would only be there a few minutes. Yeah right! Soon I heard the luring siren call of 6 inch Dipleuras. Cole hill is getting harder to dig at due to the fact that those who have been digging there the past couple years are leaving their tailings right on top of the trilo layer. Years ago when I first started going there, the ledge was clean as a whistle. Everone tossed all the loose broken bits over the side of the cliff. Now everyone just leaves it where it falls at their feet. So now to get to the layer you have to spend a lot of time and energy clearing this out. I know in some locations this can't be helped, but here there is a cliff. Throw it over! Anyways at one point I lost my footing and toik a 25 foot ride down the talus pile on my hands and knees. I didn't have my gloves on at that moment and tore up my knuckles a little. It felt much worse than it was. Banged up my right knee too, but I am ok. It started getting late so we left a little after 3pm. I found a couple pygidiums  and cephalons and was about it. Even though there were no amazing finds today, I did have a great day fossilhunting with my boys in January, which is, for us New Yorkers

a rare occurrence.  I will be posting pics thoughout the day as I have some chores to attend to so please bear with me. Hope you enjoyed! First few pics are of Deep Springs. 

#1 The entrance

#2 a slab that I was trying to break down

#3 the main area that I was digging at







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I like Trilo-butts and I cannot lie.


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Here are some pics of Cole Hill.

#1 my boys at the base of cliff

#2 one area I dug

#3 view across the street

#4, 5, 6 pic of were I slid down slope







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I like Trilo-butts and I cannot lie.


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Congratulations to you Dave and your boys getting out to DSR and Cole Hill in January. From your pics it definitely looked doable but with the ice and snow on that steep talus slope at Cole Hill I can see how easy it would have been to slip. Hope you recover well from your fall/slide. All in all it sounds like you and your boys had a great time. Excellent report. I'm anxious to see pics of your finds. Maybe I'll get up there before long. 

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Thanks @Jeffrey P it was definitely doable and would of loved to have you and other members there. Let me know in advance if and when you may go. Now tht we are inti the new year I have 3 weeks vacation so I can take some time off if needed to hunt. Here are some pics of Devin and my Greenops. They are small and not in the greatest shape but not bad for just lying in the open.

#1 both

#2&3 mine

#3&4 Devin's






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I like Trilo-butts and I cannot lie.


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Nice trip. I empathize with how others can leave the site messy, which just makes more work for the next person. Despite some slippage, it's still great to hit two(!) sites in winter. 


Nice Greenops. :fistbump:

...How to Philosophize with a Hammer



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Here is a pic of the Dipleura imprint the Dylan found. There is part of the cephalon showing and one eye. Also a sliver of pygidium.  Complete trilo was probably 2 1/2-3 inches. Of course we don't know if this trilo was recovered by someone, or if this was exposed due to weather. Dylan found this in a rubble pile and we tried to find the trilo to no avail.


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I like Trilo-butts and I cannot lie.


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3 minutes ago, Darktooth said:

@Kane Some how, some way I have to get you out here.

I would jump at the chance. I am thinking hopefully this year!

...How to Philosophize with a Hammer



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Next time, save the slide for the water park, Dave. I hope you heal quickly. It was a 'beautiful day around here yesterday and I kept thinking I'd rather be out there collecting. I love collecting at DSR, and I love those Greenops. I'll try to get there again this year if I can. I've never been to Cole Hill but I'd like to give that a try too. You and the boys did real well to get there in January!  Dylan's Dipleura (it sounds like a rare disease) was a good find.

Start the day with a smile and get it over with.


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54 minutes ago, Kane said:

I would jump at the chance. I am thinking hopefully this year!


22 minutes ago, Pagurus said:

Next time, save the slide for the water park, Dave. I hope you heal quickly. It was a 'beautiful day around here yesterday and I kept thinking I'd rather be out there collecting. I love collecting at DSR, and I love those Greenops. I'll try to get there again this year if I can. I've never been to Cole Hill but I'd like to give that a try too. You and the boys did real well to get there in January!  Dylan's Dipleura (it sounds like a rare disease) was a good find.

You guys should really try hard to make it out there. While there are never any quarantees the rewards can be great. Also anytime you can be there with others and everyone concentrates their efforts to work together the chances are greater that everyone could walk away with nice stuff. I am always open to going. Just give me enough of a heads up and I will make every effort to meet you. As I told Jeff I have three weeks vacation. Some of that can be earmarked for fossil hunting.

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I like Trilo-butts and I cannot lie.


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7 minutes ago, WhodamanHD said:

Nice! Makes me want to get out there trilo Hunting!

Make it happen and you can expand your collection!

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I like Trilo-butts and I cannot lie.


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Here is a cephalpod that David found. I think it is Spyroceras crotalum.


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I like Trilo-butts and I cannot lie.


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6 minutes ago, Darktooth said:

Make it happen and you can expand your collection!

I will soon, hoping for some nice winter erosion at some nearby exposures (mainly Wardensville), I can hope for some nice E. rana and not much else. Still good fun!

Happy hunting,


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Pretty nice spyro there and those Greenops are nothing to sneeze at. Congratulations on some excellent finds. Success at Deep Springs Road takes many forms. 

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Next round of pics, brachs, bivalves, Eldregeops cephalons, Dipleura pygidiums, and criniod pieces. I am still trying to give the bivalve and brachs proper id. 









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I like Trilo-butts and I cannot lie.


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A couple more of Dylans finds. I love the star shape in the criniod cross section.



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I like Trilo-butts and I cannot lie.


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Any fossils is good fossils this time of year. You've got me itching to get out, myself, but I should get busy building an ark. When the waters recede maybe I'll land in the Rockies and be able to collect some Paleozoic/Precambrian stuff.

How come your site pics are all blurry?

I like those brachs/bivalves/etc as much as the trilos.

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Nice finds. 

Though far too cold for me to function at all! 

I love the Spyroceras. :)


Life's Good!

Tortoise Friend.


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34 minutes ago, Wrangellian said:

Any fossils is good fossils this time of year. You've got me itching to get out, myself, but I should get busy building an ark. When the waters recede maybe I'll land in the Rockies and be able to collect some Paleozoic/Precambrian stuff.

How come your site pics are all blurry?

I like those brachs/bivalves/etc as much as the trilos.

I use my phone for all my pics and  the camera does'nt focus as good as it used too. Not that it was ever great to begin with. I am upgrading in a couple months.

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I like Trilo-butts and I cannot lie.


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17 hours ago, Darktooth said:

Next round of pics, brachs, bivalves, Eldregeops cephalons, Dipleura pygidiums, and criniod pieces. I am still trying to give the bivalve and brachs proper id. 


Devonochonetes coronatus is the shells are 1"+. If smaller then I would say Devonochonetes scitulus



Grammysioidea arcuata




Spiniocyrtina granulosus


Hey Dave,  Nice finds and congrats on getting out while there is still snow on the ground.  I took a swing at identifying your brachs above.

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Geologists on the whole are inconsistent drivers. When a roadcut presents itself, they tend to lurch and weave. To them, the roadcut is a portal, a fragment of a regional story, a proscenium arch that leads their imaginations into the earth and through the surrounding terrain. - John McPhee

If I'm going to drive safely, I can't do geology. - John McPhee

Check out my Blog for more fossils I've found: http://viewsofthemahantango.blogspot.com/

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Although I love all things invertebrate, I do have a soft spot for orthoconic nautiloids - that Spyroceras is definitely the winner for me!!!



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