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Is this a dinosaur egg?

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Is this a dinosaur egg or concretion? It is from Ganzhou, Jiangxi of China.  If it is a dinosaur egg, does it have shell?




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i don't think that this is an egg.

Let's see what the "eggsperts" will tell....

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I'm not one of the "eggsperts", but I agree, it looks like an egg-shaped rock to me.  

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Life's Good!

Tortoise Friend.


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I'm with the others.  Not sure why you are asking us if it has an eggshell.  You are in the best position to determine that since photos are not always the best way to see the shell.

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9 minutes ago, Troodon said:

I'm with the others.  Not sure why you are asking us if it has an eggshell.  You are in the best position to determine that since photos are not always the best way to see the shell.

Sorry, but the ‘egg’ is not in my hands.  I also only got the photos.  I wonder if it’s an egg because the site has many eggs found (see the attached photos) but some in my eyes like this one look a bit like concretion.  Perhaps concretion are mixed with genuine eggs there?





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Thank you, photos are not always the best way to diagnose eggs.  Egglike concretions are reported and published from egg sites in Mongolia so its highly possible you have a mixture at these sites.  

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The thing in your first post reminds me of this.




It's a Spheroolithus sp. from China. Supposedly Ganzhou, but who knows really how accurate the locality info is.


The speckled surface on your fossil is indeed eggshell, but you should get more close-ups to see if there are any cracks which would be better indicative of an egg.


The double theropod egg has good shell coverage, but they are not complete. It shouldn't be an issue though, I think they look great.

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Looking forward to meeting my fellow Singaporean collectors! Do PM me if you are a Singaporean, or an overseas fossil-collector coming here for a holiday!

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