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My finds from St. Leon, Indiana, Part 2


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I found all these specimens on the west side of the road cut. I believe those are eyes in the middle.




All these specimens were found in Trammel Fossil Park in Sharonville, Ohio, with the exception of the two in the column on the right. They were from the St. Leon road cut.



This tear-dropped shape bryozoan is, I believe, Homotrypella.




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Fabulous finds; keep hounding those road cuts. Road cuts work well in Georgia too.  Thanks.

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Nice corals and some of the trilo-bits are great! :)

Life's Good!

Tortoise Friend.


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1 hour ago, Eastonian said:

I believe those are eyes in the middle.

I really like your finds. The St. Leon cut is my favorite place to hunt for fossils. 
However, I don't think the fossil in the middle is a pair of trilobite eyes. If it were part of a glabellum, it would have more texture and shape to it.
I believe it is a fragmented underside of a brachiopod, right next to the hinge where the shell halves meet.
If you need to ID any of your finds even further, here is an excellent site you should check out:


It is a very accurate description of trilobite fossils in the region, including complete and fragmented trilobite IDs. It is very useful- I use it all the time!


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Nice trilo-bits and horn corals!  I've only ever found a few pieces of trilobites and only one squashed horn coral in my local hunting grounds so I am a little envious of your haul - congratulations on the finds!

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