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Is this a flat concretion?

I found one like this out on some property my son is building on.

I thought it was an artifact because of the hole.

The land is virgin and a known area where Native American had a village.

There is a historical plaque by the land.

It is in Virginia.



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Looks like a piece of fossiliferous limestone to me, not a concretion. 

The hole may be where a fossil or mineral has weathered out. 

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Life's Good!

Tortoise Friend.


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Could just be from plain old weathering. Wind an water can do this kinda thing. Imagine that the stone starts as a flat plane.  As soon a a small piece falls off the plane and creates a small pit, new faces are formed. All these faces, assuming they wear at the same rate as the rest, will eat through to the other side before the rest of the Stone is gone. That made sense in my head, not sure if it does to everyone else.

Happy hunting,


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You mean we can't just blame it on a "stone worm" and call it good?


I'm thinking more on the same level as Adam that something weathered out.

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You know it may be weathered out however it seems strange to me that the hole would be perfectly round.

Not only that I found almost an identical one about a month ago, my first fossil find.

It seems like there should be an identifiable process.


I am still wondering about this one.

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this could be an artifact. Especially if you've found others like it and they were associated with bifacial tools and or pottery. The rock looks like fossiliferous limestone. If paleozoic something like a crinoid stem may have weathered out creating the hole.

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