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Kane’s Trilobite Drawings


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It has been about 20 years since I last drew anything. Back in my teens, I had designs on being a professional illustrator and even had some modest commission work. But then I left it all aside to pursue academia and writing. Today I decided to see if I still remembered how to draw, and decided on testing that out with a quick 15 minute sketch using a 9B pencil. 


So it's a bit rough and sloppy... It's like having to relearn how to cursive write after decades of typing. Pencil strokes are not as controlled or elegant as they once were, but at least I seemed to have got it approximately correct, including the foreshortening of the right eye.


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...How to Philosophize with a Hammer



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5 minutes ago, Walt said:

Very good.  I like the shadowing.  And...what's cursive? :)

Writing "naughty" words. For a rusty artist, I'd say your sketches came out great Kane.

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There's no limit to what you can accomplish when you're supposed to be doing something else

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Pretty good, much better than my embarrassing scribbles. :)

Life's Good!

Tortoise Friend.


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Thanks, everyone. :) I may have to dig the ol' art supplies from storage and try to have a proper go at it again. At the moment, it still feels like I'm trying to play the piano with my feet. :D 

...How to Philosophize with a Hammer



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Definitely time to showcase your abilities again, Kane. Go find those art supplies! Your quick sketch is wonderful! You've got the eye. I can occasionally drag a decent looking drawing out of my pencils but it's never a quick process for me. Yours look they belong in one of those natural history sketchbooks you see in the bookstores. A pleasure to look at.

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Start the day with a smile and get it over with.


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2 hours ago, Pagurus said:

Definitely time to showcase your abilities again, Kane. Go find those art supplies! Your quick sketch is wonderful! You've got the eye. I can occasionally drag a decent looking drawing out of my pencils but it's never a quick process for me. Yours look they belong in one of those natural history sketchbooks you see in the bookstores. A pleasure to look at.

Thanks, Mike! As our highly talented emoticon designer, I take that as high praise. :) Still can't seem to find the supplies... The missus reorganized everything, which means I have no clue where most things are anymore. :D 

1 hour ago, Ludwigia said:

Get back to it Kane. Even I can see that you've got talent.

Thanks. :) I suppose I should be known for more than just bashing rocks and writing weird books. :P 

1 hour ago, Walt said:

Kane's going to have to buy a bigger hat if we keep this up :D

LOL. I still have a lot to re-learn. 

...How to Philosophize with a Hammer



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Kane has been holding out on us!!!

Impressive sketch work, my friend.  ;)   :dinothumb:


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"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."

John Muir ~ ~ ~ ~   ><))))( *>  About Me      

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really good, I´d like to see what you create when doing more than a quick sketch.

Try to learn something about everything and everything about something

Thomas Henry Huxley

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  • 3 weeks later...
13 hours ago, Ptychodus04 said:

I’m glad he lives 1,500 miles away so he can’t personally make me look like a gorilla with a shovel.:P

Don't forget the (man)skirt! :rofl:



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13 hours ago, Ptychodus04 said:

Add this to the long list of @Kane‘s amazing abilities. 


I’m glad he lives 1,500 miles away so he can’t personally make me look like a gorilla with a shovel.:P

Heh, thanks, Kris. You would have fit in fine up here where I'm vacationing... The piper parade came through town, and one of the town slogans depicting a guy in a kilt is "pants optional." :D 


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@caldigger, I prefer the term “battle skirt” it’s much cooler. But, that is pretty close to what I look like!


@Kane, I bet that was a cool parade. Kilts are the best. I even have people at my church used to me wearing one now. My boys got pretty mad at me for not ordering them new kilts when I got mine so I’ll have to get some more soon. I’ll probably have to get another for myself while I’m at it!

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23 hours ago, Ptychodus04 said:



@Kane, I bet that was a cool parade. Kilts are the best. I even have people at my church used to me wearing one now. My boys got pretty mad at me for not ordering them new kilts when I got mine so I’ll have to get some more soon. I’ll probably have to get another for myself while I’m at it!

Now you just have to learn the bagpipes! :D One of my friends is the official piper at Grand Lodge who plays at some of our ceremonies. 


That parade goes through this town every Saturday punctually at 8 pm in the summer. The local businesses set out chairs for viewing, although a lot of the townspeople end up marching behind them for the whole parade route (which is not all that long). Their kilts are the kind with the thin pleats (looks a little like a crimped lampshade). If I were to entertain getting a kilt, I'd prefer something with flatter pleats. Not saying I'm getting a kilt. :P 

...How to Philosophize with a Hammer



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32 minutes ago, Kane said:

If I were to entertain getting a kilt, I'd prefer something with flatter pleats. Not saying I'm getting a kilt. :P 

I prefer a deeper pleat as well. Most of my kilts have a 3-4” deep pleat. My newest kilt has a thinner pleat but it is pleated to the sett rather than the line so it doesn’t look like a lampshade. It also has a box pleat rather than a knife pleat.


I don’t think you should get a kilt. I don’t think the world could handle that much manliness. :P

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