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We bought a piece of land in Puerto Morelos QR south of Cancun while exploring we found this piece among many more... Thanks


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I can't make anything out of it, other than maybe a piece of weathered limestone.

Are there some features or details not evident in the image that are distinctive of anything? A symmetry or repetition of a pattern?

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

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This is a weathered piece of limestone with a suggestive shape. I my self have found similar pieces over the time I've been collecting and im sure I'll find more. 

...I'm back.

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IWelcome to the Fossil Forum from Texas.

I think I see a bunch of small circles all over it, possibly similar to some types of corals, but I believe we need more pics.


Pics form different angles and a close up on possible key features would be helpful. Natural sunlight tends to be the easies and best lighting for taking pics. Indoor lighting tends to play with the color and be problematic in other ways.

That part of Mexico is known for its karst topography. Meaning it is known for porous, weathering limestone which caves tend to form in. So it could be weathered limestone. But I’d like to see more pics before I settle on my opinion.


If you have others that look similar maybe you could share them if you think it would be helpful.

If you have trouble uploading pics due to size you can email yourself a few pics and when you go to send them it will ask what size you wish to send as. Choose something less than 3.9 mb. Save them from the email and then post them. That way you can post more pics at a time.

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