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Fotm Aug Mammoth Humerus (Johnj)


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Congrats on you mammoth journey :) A truly amazing fossil John and fossil of the month (FOTM) for August :)

Congratulations on all those who entered FOTM for Aug. Your finds were truely amazing as well. You are all truly winners :)

The soul of a Fossil Hunter is one that is seeking, always.

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wow can you dig it?! well, no, but apparently he could.

high five, buddy of my owner! oops, sorry about the claws. i always extend them when i get excited. least i'm not a dog all over your leg or something...

tracer's cat

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Jax had me with the pearl (I just love those things...), then this Mammoth walks into the room...

Who can deny a freaking Mammoth leg bone?!post-423-12524613304563_thumb.jpg

Congratulations, John, may you ever stride with pride B)

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Thanks for the votes and compliments. I would shake your hands, but after the "high 5" with tracer's cat and the 20 stitches...well, I'm a little sensitive. :blush: I didn't vote because I paid a lot of people to not vote for Justin's pearl...couldn't bear the thought of him suggesting a swimsuit run off...(perish the thought, and I'm not sorry, Justin :P ). Anyway, I would've had a tough time between Lance's Goniophorus and Bill's meg. Both are stunning specimens worthy of any collection.

The mammoth humerus was truly one of those "WOW" moments in fossil hunting. You put yourself in the best circumstances to make a good find, then with some skill and a little "luck" you sometimes make spectacular finds. Let's see what September reveals....



The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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Other than "really big", does anyone have some idea of how big a mammoth would have a 4 ft. long humerus? I'd especially be interested in any research that has been done. Thanks for the help.


The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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fine some good pigutres of mamuth skeltons online. mesure ther thumueruses, an label that data "th". then measure their total highth and label that data "h". then for each one of the skeltons do a sepret equation th/h = 4/n

average of n's between the skeltons online's gonna be how tall yours wuz.

bet yur startin' to womder whut rely hapent to tracer, huh?

<leebin' the trhead with a chesire cat grin fadin>

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fine some good pigutres of mamuth skeltons online. mesure ther thumueruses, an label that data "th". then measure their total highth and label that data "h". then for each one of the skeltons do a sepret equation th/h = 4/n

average of n's between the skeltons online's gonna be how tall yours wuz.

bet yur startin' to womder whut rely hapent to tracer, huh?

<leebin' the trhead with a chesire cat grin fadin>

Kitty, you spell like JIM THE BOSS

Oh, and add my congrats on the once-in-a-lifetime find (now go out and find a bunch more!)

Edited by Ron E.
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Congrats! A much much cooler find than some penny sized little shark tooth (Gee who found that? ^_^ )

Be true to the reality you create.

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okay okay, i think it's time we let everyone know that i found this humerus all by myself and i just like to store it at john j's house. he even brings it over three and a half times a day so i can look at it. no, this post is not a complete lie and i really found it myself. in my backyard. i dug it out. all the pictures of johnj and dan digging it out were faked. i'm not jealous at all. because it's mine. maybe. on to a different topic now...

Edited by Tracer Jr.
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Ron, Frank, and Amy - thank you very much.

Mommabetts, thank you and it's wonderful to have you back.

TJ......hmmmm.....there's a reason they call it catnip - not peoplenip, mannip, or TJnip. (tracer is going have to keep you from putting skulls on the 'yak - you're going primal). :P

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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