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Two websites selling the same fossil?

W. Harvey

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I've noticed that two popular websites seem to be selling the same fossil. Thoughts?




Edit: I've edited the images to remove any identifiable information, but they are well-known sellers.

Edited by W. Harvey
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Please do not provide screen images from seller websites without first removing anything that would identify said sellers. You can provide solely the image, cropping out other details (such as price, description, etc.). I have removed them from the post.


In this case, you might wish to reach out to one or both sellers.

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Wondering if it isn't the same seller, posting on different sites under a different name. 

Perhaps in the thought is to get more eyes on the same piece. 

Do both sites show where they are shipping from? Are the locations the same?


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It also seem that they are both using the same photos, just with the item turned in the opposite direction with different background colors and lighting exposure.


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They look like positive and negative filters. Strange if it is one seller they don’t keep to the same photograph.

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I can only clearly see the two largest photos. I think that they are not the same photo. The pattern of cracks and other features is different. The profiles (outlines) are very similiar. They are photos of different sides of the same skull. Based on outlines, they are near mirror images of each other. 

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I didn't mean the exact same photos. The jaw is turned to the opposite side in the second set. But both have the same angle and position.


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I will say that when we sell unique items .. not fossils of course .. we will always list the items on as many platforms as possible.  More eyes available, usernames don't always match up (in my experience with sellers online and offline of the larger platforms) . If I were you I'd send them a message and ask, usually the answer is "why yes, thank you for contacting me, it is indeed the same item"




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