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Golling Amber (Roßfeld Fm., 132.9-129.4 Ma)


Partial nodule of translucent amber from a now-inaccessible site near Golling an der Salzach, Salzburg, Austria; specimen weighs 2.5g and measures 23x22x8mm. This piece has a thin layer of matrix (contributing to a slight increase in weight), and despite having smaller dimensions, it weighs the same as the larger, similarly-shaped Golling amber specimen from a separate entry. Amber from the Roßfeld (Rossfeld) Formation is dated to be early cretaceous (Hauterivian) in age.


© Kaegen Lau

From the album:

Fossil Amber and Copal: Worldwide Localities

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Photo Information

  • Taken with SAMSUNG SAMSUNG WB35F/WB36F/WB37F
  • Focal Length 4.3 mm
  • Exposure Time 1/206
  • f Aperture f/3.1
  • ISO Speed 80

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