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Profen Coal Mine
Profen, Saxony-Anhalt State, Germany
Profen Fm. (~41.3-38 Ma)
Chemical Composition:
C: 79.25%, H: 10.41%, O: 10.34%
Total Weight: 1.5g
Longest Specimen: 14mm
140lm LED
Longwave UV
Entry four of ten, detailing various rare ambers from European, Asian, and North American localities.
This amber has rather unusual physical properties, despite being chemically quite near to succinite (i.e. Baltic amber), in terms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen ratios: whereas succinite is rather hard, Krantzite is described as being “tender”, as well as “sectile and somewhat elastic”; Krantzite also fuses at a slightly lower temperature (225˚C, compared to 250˚C). In terms of appearance, unoxidized material generally bears a lighter coloration than succinite, and pieces are usually very small in size.
Krantzite is a relatively widespread amber within Saxony-Anhalt State: it occurs in at least 12 deposits located within a roughly 6,000 square mile (9,650 sq. km.) area, all within Saxony-Anhalt. Most of the deposits are located near Nachterstedt, Nienburg, Amsdorf, Nietleben, Mücheln, and the most notable, Profen; despite the notability of the latter, there are four specific mining localities within the Mücheln area alone, each being a Krantzite occurrence.
Regarding the history of the Profen Opencast Mine: exploration began in 1941, with actual coal production starting 3 years later; coal began to be mined from the lowest levels in 1951. A southern construction site for mining operations began in 1971, with conveyor bridges from both sites being connected in 1982: the bridge connection was demolished in 1990. Coal production in the Profen Opencast Mine is expected to remain operational until 2035.
"The System of Mineralogy of James Dwight Dana 1837-1868: Descriptive Mineralogy"; p. 1005; Dana 1892
“Neufunde von fossilen Harzen aus dem Mitteldeutschen Braunkohlenrevier”; p. 166 (Abb. 2); Wimmer, Krumbiegel, Cosmowska-Ceranowicz, Wagner-Wysiecka 2015


© Kaegen Lau

From the album:

Fossil Amber and Copal: Worldwide Localities

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Photo Information

  • Taken with SAMSUNG SAMSUNG WB35F/WB36F/WB37F
  • Focal Length 4.3 mm
  • Exposure Time 1/267
  • f Aperture f/3.1
  • ISO Speed 80

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