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Some Rocks In My Collection--- Not Fossils


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Hey-hi Folks,

My first rock was a brachiopod that I found on Sandia Peak when I was 2 years old. I have always held a fondness for fossils sense. But I was raised in Sacramento California-- not a lot of fossils in that area. As an overly enthusiastic rockhound I had to make do with the rock types that were available in the area-- so I collect a lot of crystal. Although I have collected fossils when and where I could, there are a lot more crystals that can be found in the area of the central sierra nevada mountains, so that is what makes up most of My collection.

I thought that some of You might like to see crystal pieces from My collection, so here are some...

(All were collected by Me unless otherwise noted.)

crystal in center is 8 inches long


More next post....

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Here is a Staurolite crystal with a small garnet on it, from Taos New Mexico...

2 inches long.


An over polished quartz with rutile inclusions..

3 inches long.


A natural (unpolished) quartz with rutile inclusions...

6.5 inches long.


A quartz with epidote...

1.5 inches long.


An over polished quartz with epidote and hematite inclusions

1 inch long.


A rose quartz crystal on matrix.

crystal length is 2 inches.


An unidentified crystal from a hydrothermal vein in rhyolite.

crystal is 1/2 inch long


That is all I am going to post now. If Y'All like it I will post some more crystals from My collection.


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Very nice stuff! If that sort of thing was anywhere near where I live, I'd be hunting for it and collecting it too. I suppose it's kind of a good thing we don't have that stuff here. The last thing my wife would want is even MORE rocks coming in the house. :D

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Very nice stuff! If that sort of thing was anywhere near where I live, I'd be hunting for it and collecting it too. I suppose it's kind of a good thing we don't have that stuff here. The last thing my wife would want is even MORE rocks coming in the house. :D

Thank You Cris,

Whether I pull a nice shark tooth , Trilobite or a good crystal out of the ground- it gives Me quite a thrill! I just can not find enough of any of them hard things.


PS I was unsure if I was posting it in the right place, guess it was not.

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Wow I wish I could find stuff like that here Tony! :) I love the rutilated quartz pieces!!! Very nice. :D

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Wow I wish I could find stuff like that here Tony! :) I love the rutilated quartz pieces!!! Very nice. :D

Thank You Lissa,

Yea-- Quartz with inclusions :D is probably My favorite thing to find- but do not tell anyone-- :ninja: They might think I do not like fossils. ;)

How have You been? Doing any 'hounding?




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Wow. I'm excited when I find a half-inch quartz crystal, you must be thrilled to find those really large crystals of yours. The inclusions do make them especially interesting. That staurolite crystal brings me back to when I found one on a city street in New York when I was about eight years old. I have no idea why it was there, maybe it was dumped with the sand in the winter. I had it for many years. That garnet on yours makes it a great teaching specimen. Thanks for sharing some of your collection, Tony. Those are terrific crystals!


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Start the day with a smile and get it over with.


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Wow. I'm excited when I find a half-inch quartz crystal, you must be thrilled to find those really large crystals of yours. The inclusions do make them especially interesting. That staurolite crystal brings me back to when I found one on a city street in New York when I was about eight years old. I have no idea why it was there, maybe it was dumped with the sand in the winter. I had it for many years. That garnet on yours makes it a great teaching specimen. Thanks for sharing some of your collection, Tony. Those are terrific crystals!


Thanks Mike,

Crystals (and fossils) will show up in the strangest places sometimes, if You keep Your eyes open!

Here is another of My finds, from a pay to dig mine near Tonopah Nevada...

A natural Turquoise nugget

larger piece size is 2.5 x 2 x 0.5 inches...



More to come....

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Here is the reason that I had to get a microscope, which has come in very handy for the micro fossils that I have fallen for! These are some micro crystal inclusions found in the rutilated quartz that was shown earlier...

I have at least 7 different mineral/crystal inclusions in the Quartz from this site.





PS I have a claim on the site.

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Here is another Quartz with inclusions. The main crystal is 3/4 inch long. (Sometimes it is the little details that make a great rock!)

Found in El Dorado county, California.

Full view...


A close up...


And a little closer.. (notice the "bent" quartz crystal that is included inside the main crystal.)





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Great stuff. My brain is trying to reconstruct the conditions under which they formed. Every rock has a unique story.

I'm sure many if us collect 'everything'. Rocks add another dimension to our outings.

Fossils dominate my mini museum but also lots of




Even have a pine cone collection.

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Great stuff. My brain is trying to reconstruct the conditions under which they formed. Every rock has a unique story.

I'm sure many if us collect 'everything'. Rocks add another dimension to our outings.

Fossils dominate my mini museum but also lots of




Even have a pine cone collection.

Thank You.

Add antique bottles and advertising to Your list and You have My list.

Are Your pinecones fossil or recent?

Here is another group of small ( 1 - 2 inch ) rutilated quartz crystals,

collected in El Dorado county California.....

post-16416-0-06928900-1440362055_thumb.jpg post-16416-0-48512000-1440362095_thumb.jpg post-16416-0-78870300-1440362142_thumb.jpg post-16416-0-69205200-1440362192_thumb.jpg

And a close up of some neat inclusions....





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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice stuff, not much around here in OK.

But one time , and I can't remember where , found two nice crystals of Gypsum , but can't remember where from. :wacko:

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Nice stuff, not much around here in OK.

But one time , and I can't remember where , found two nice crystals of Gypsum , but can't remember where from. :wacko:

Thank You Jeff,

Can You post some pictures of the Gypsum crystals?

Here are some more things from My collection...

Quartz crystal with chlorite phantom

1 inch long...


Rose Quartz crystal with secondary growth (cactus quartz)

2.25 inches long...


Brookite crystal

5/8 inch tall...


Anatase crystal

1/4 inch long...


Vesuvianite crystal

1/2 inch long...


Thanks for looking,


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Thank you so much for sharing. I fell in love with rocks and minerals on my first museum visit that I can remember around four years old Followed shortly by fossils when I realized they were actually living things at one time.

Took two of my sons down to Arkansas for a little quartz mining last year. Pics are a little sample of what we brought back.

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Thank you so much for sharing. I fell in love with rocks and minerals on my first museum visit that I can remember around four years old Followed shortly by fossils when I realized they were actually living things at one time.

Took two of my sons down to Arkansas for a little quartz mining last year. Pics are a little sample of what we brought back.

That is a nice looking quartz cluster. What is the size on it?

Here are some grossular garnet

specimen is 1/2 inch


And some micro inclusions from inside some quartz

scale - very small..

post-16416-0-89577400-1441232367_thumb.jpgriticulated rutile

post-16416-0-67359700-1441232479_thumb.pnga dolomite crystal


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Size is 5"x 4" approx. I'll make up a gallery from that trip sooner later. Quite a few made it on the shelf.

I forgot to mention the magnified pics are too cool. I've used a magnifying glass never a microscope.......awesome!!!!

Edited by Mike C.
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Sure will Tony just keep reminding me. LOL

Here is one pic will take more during the weekend if I remember.

The two that are clear.

Another one.

But can't remember where I found them at.



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I'll make up a gallery from that trip sooner later. Quite a few made it on the shelf.

I forgot to mention the magnified pics are too cool. I've used a magnifying glass never a microscope.......awesome!!!!

Arkansas is a nice place to find quartz, :D I have not dug there yet :( . Sounds like Y'All did good there! :fistbump: Looking forward to seeing them! :popcorn:

Thanks! :D:blush:

Yah, microscopes open a whole new dimension to collecting rocks. :o:D

Here are some more inclusions in quartz. ( I have a very strong affinity for inclusions in Quartz!!)

scale is very small...







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Sure will Tony just keep reminding me. LOL

Here is one pic will take more during the weekend if I remember.

The two that are clear.

Another one.

But can't remember where I found them at.

That is a nice looking collection of minerals! :D:drool::wub:

Did You find any of them besides the gypsum? :zzzzscratchchin:

Here is a piece that I used the "silver pick" to add it to My collection :ninja: . I just could not resist buying this beauty! :faint::drool::wub::wub:

an agate plate with "plumes" covered with micro crystal points. It was found near Grass Valley California.

The plate is 7 x 8 inches, the largest plum is 2 inches tall!





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No Tony as not many mineral samples from Ok , the corner Pitcher area, had some good stuff from back in mining days but well all gone now.

I did manage back in the 80's early 90's to secure a bunch of ' Pitcher minerals ' the best to be found here.

Lead, Ruby Jack,and calcite were hugh size.

Keep on looking, and the best rock shop was out in Catoosa , run by Dell a great guy him and his wife , and the best of collections and stuff for sale.

Actually D W Correll.All passed now though.

I bought a lot of stuff while I was in Germany as way big there, actually from a Tailor shop in Darmstadt.

Another great man to do business with, some classics he had.

Edited by Jeff L Nolan
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No Tony as not many mineral samples from Ok , the corner Pitcher area, had some good stuff from back in mining days but well all gone now.

I did manage back in the 80's early 90's to secure a bunch of ' Pitcher minerals ' the best to be found here.

Lead, Ruby Jack,and calcite were hugh size.

Keep on looking, and the best rock shop was out in Catoosa , run by Dell a great guy him and his wife , and the best of collections and stuff for sale.

Actually D W Correll.All passed now though.

I bought a lot of stuff while I was in Germany as way big there, actually from a Tailor shop in Darmstadt.

Another great man to do business with, some classics he had.

Hey-hi Jeff,

It is a nice collection, does not matter if You used an iron pick or a silver pick to put it together!!

Sometimes the best things come from the strangest places-- but a tailor shop, wow!

What is ruby jack? I have not heard of this before.(Do You have a picture?)

Here are a few more from My collection...

Almandine garnet from Little pine garnet mine in eastern North Carolina.

Larger crystal is 1 inch long.

(These are unusual shapes for garnet crystals.)


Some Smithsonite crystals on matrix from the Kelly mine, Magdalena, New Mexico

(That is where I was born.)

Overall size is 2 inches.

post-16416-0-11115000-1441424290_thumb.jpgThis one was given to Me.

A few unusual shaped quartz crystals

Found in El Dorado county California.

post-16416-0-89979900-1441424125_thumb.jpg Bent crystal 1.5 inches long

post-16416-0-62740100-1441424241_thumb.jpgA strange twin crystal, 2 inches long.

post-16416-0-18811800-1441424355_thumb.jpgA "cathedral" or "skyscraper" crystal.2 inches long.

post-16416-0-23978400-1441425316_thumb.jpgAnother bent one, 1.75 inches long

I like the weird and unusual crystals a lot!


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Hey-hi Y'All,

Here is another quartz with inclusions. This one was found in the merced river, during a lunch break!

There are several things going on in this one. There is a drues of tourmaline crystals on the base and a rutile phantom in the center of the piece, with a second phantom of tourmaline crystals, and a third (near surface) phantom of chloride. This post has several pictures of the same piece to show different aspects of the rock.

Size is 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.3 inches

Overall view...

post-16416-0-01353800-1441430157_thumb.jpg post-16416-0-60183900-1441430170_thumb.jpg post-16416-0-71562100-1441430413_thumb.jpg

close up of the base and included tourmaline...

post-16416-0-79509400-1441430747_thumb.jpg post-16416-0-72884100-1441430920_thumb.jpg

Close up of rutile phantom.





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Hey Jeff,

Thank You for the link. I should have known that.

Three views of the inside of a quartz crystal...(or a galaxy far far away?)

post-16416-0-53964500-1441493365_thumb.jpg post-16416-0-76627500-1441493403_thumb.jpg post-16416-0-42759600-1441493532_thumb.jpg

The red and yellow are hematite forming in a crack.


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I seem to be having trouble uploading more than one picture,of the pictures that I've taken this one works so here's a little glimpse into my collection.

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