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Fossil Fish


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I am taking a risk that some unprincipled Forum member will try and snatch this purchase from me. However, I thought the educational benefit of my evaluation system would outweigh that possibility. This beauty is currently available for sale via an Internet auction site. It is labeled as a "Rare Synanceia verrucosa (sic) Stone Fossil Fish Skeleton"


Here are the reasons I am poised to spring for the $49.95 (free shipping) price.


It's RARE. The seller says so right there in the offer. That makes the price a bargain. I know it's really rare, 'cause I've never seen anything like it.

The seller provides the SCIENTIFIC NAME. That alone proves that the seller is a well informed individual, probably a scientist themselves.

The seller has a 99.6% positive rating!!!

The geological age is given as "unknown." This is additional proof of the items authenticity. A fraudulent seller would simply provide a fiction for age.

Look at the robust preservation of the bone! Even from a photo one can see it's exquisitely preserved. No cracks or breaks are visible. Obviously there is no repair.

The prep looks wonderful. The bone has been expertly freed from the surrounding matrix with no obscuring matrix left in place.

You will note that the bone is preserved in 3D proving that this is no "painted on" forgery.


I could go on and on with my scientific evaluative techniques. However, this should be sufficiently instructive to inform Forum members of some simple reasoning tools to assure avoidance of acquiring spurious fossil material. No need to thank me, gotta run and get that bid in.....





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Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, also are remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. - Douglas Adams, Last Chance to See

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Hah! Too late again Snolly. I snatched this treasure up for my very own. :P






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Incorrect information...this is clearly S. grossocostae.

"I am glad I shall never be young without wild country to be young in. Of what avail are forty freedoms without a blank spot on the map?"  ~Aldo Leopold (1887-1948) 


New Mexico Museum of Natural History Bulletins    


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What a lucky animal, freed from the burden of a complex skeletal system. I might have to jump into a bidding war with you Blake, cuz this ones coming home with papa!


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41 minutes ago, digit said:

Hah! Too late again Snolly. I snatched this treasure up for my very own. :P







Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, also are remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. - Douglas Adams, Last Chance to See

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I don't know Doren, this little guy will look pretty sweet among my Green River fish, you may have a fight on your hands!

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I for one think this is "REAL" I recall seeing one on The Flintstones in the trash can after dinner. :trilosurprise:

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I found a few of these last time I collected in the Green River.  If any of you guys want one, just send 500 dollars to my acocunt in the Cayman Islands.  

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If it had a certificate of authenticity I'd be all over that...

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You Guys is really funny!!!



I already have 10 of those, the pride of My collection!:rofl:



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That is an innocent one. ;) Kids may like it. :)

" We are not separate and independent entities, but like links in a chain, and we could not by any means be what we are without those who went before us and showed us the way. "

Thomas Mann

My Library

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On 12/9/2016 at 2:42 AM, RickNC said:

If it had a certificate of authenticity I'd be all over that...


I'm heading over to Office Depot, I'll pick one up for you.


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