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Singapore Fossil Collectors 2017 End-Year Gathering!


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Hi everyone, and Happy New Year! Singapore Fossils Collectors just had our end year gathering at a new location! As usual, there was food, there was laughter, there was trade, and there were so many fossils! Feast your eyes upon Calvin's personal museum collection.




First up, a genuine Dimetrodon from USA. There are some restorations to the skull and bone, but the vast majority is original material.




A high-quality Ichthyosaurus cast




Stegodon tusk, various shark jaws, whale vert, mammal bones etc. The tiger skull is a cast, thankfully



Plesiosaur skull from Goulmima



Various amazing material. An authentic baby Psittacosaurus. Ammolite with mosasaur bites. Xiphactinus jaw. Pliosaur tooth etc.


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Looking forward to meeting my fellow Singaporean collectors! Do PM me if you are a Singaporean, or an overseas fossil-collector coming here for a holiday!

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More interesting stuff, especially the large hadrosaur skin impression in the middle, and the Tylosaurus jaw behind



Various casts on the top level. A mix of various dinosaur material, claws, lobster, teeth etc. The item that fascinates me the most is the Spinosaurid tooth from Thailand




Again a mix of fossils, with a croc jaw on the top, inverts in the middle, and dino ribs at the bottom



Calvin's Triceratops corner. A trikes rib, frill and baby horn




An enormous museum-prepped egg that left me flabbergasted. It's not real, but the eggshells are genuine.



An authentic and droolworthy sabertooth tiger skull


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Looking forward to meeting my fellow Singaporean collectors! Do PM me if you are a Singaporean, or an overseas fossil-collector coming here for a holiday!

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A Carch jaw



Allosaurus jaw. Holy ****




Elephant bird egg



A baby Dromaeosaur with some composited bones



Casts of an Ankylosaurus and Oviraptor skull



Captorhinus skeleton. Very handsome fossil


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Looking forward to meeting my fellow Singaporean collectors! Do PM me if you are a Singaporean, or an overseas fossil-collector coming here for a holiday!

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Mixture of relics from modern horseshoe crab to preserved snake to triops fossil to trilobites



Went to Calvin's toilet and saw this genuine Mesosaurus. Truly, there are fossils everywhere



Scattering of Moroccan fossils in his study room




T-Rex tooth on the left, 5-incher Carch tooth on the right



Giant Kangaroo bone from Aussie



Turtle shell from China


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Looking forward to meeting my fellow Singaporean collectors! Do PM me if you are a Singaporean, or an overseas fossil-collector coming here for a holiday!

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Croc scute and Ankylosaur scute



Just look at the wall! I can't even list all the fossils I see here. On the top you have an Eurypterid, ammonites, Liaoning insects, crustaceans crabs. On the middle you have Aussie material, amber, opal fossils(crazy expensive), on the bottom you have a hadrosaur egg, a titanosaur egg that was once mine, and an oviraptor egg



More of his amazing study room



Just look at that plesiosaur paddle! You also have various dino claws(partially restored), plesiosaur vert, cave bear paw, mammoth bones etc



In love with his giant Solnhofen insects



His Meganeura(giant dragonfly) cast


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Looking forward to meeting my fellow Singaporean collectors! Do PM me if you are a Singaporean, or an overseas fossil-collector coming here for a holiday!

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Some non-fossils here, but I thought you guys would love to see these:


May the Force be with us all



A genuine mummy wrapping



A large meteorite



A giant isopod hauled from the bottom of the sea



Trading of fossils as per the annual tradition



This isn't even all of Calvin's fossils or relics. Without paying him a visit personally, you would not even be able to grasp the extent of his collection






As always it was an awesome day. I am already looking forward to the next meet-up. If any of you pass by Singapore, don't hesitate to ring us up! See you next year!

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Looking forward to meeting my fellow Singaporean collectors! Do PM me if you are a Singaporean, or an overseas fossil-collector coming here for a holiday!

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:faint:I'm speechless... (almost) This collection would have been amazing to see IRL! Spectacular! Thanks for sharing, now I have something to keep me up tonight :P 

Happy new year, too! :) 

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Another excellent gathering. Always nice to see all the Singapore collectors together.  Like the new venue, Calvin's collection is quite a showcase.  Thanks for posting.

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Happy New Year! :)

Most museums would be proud of that collection! 

Golly  ! ! ! 

Life's Good!

Tortoise Friend.


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I enjoyed seeing that collection. Congratulations on another successful gathering of enthusiasts. 

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, also are remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. - Douglas Adams, Last Chance to See

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Wow, you kids don't fool around! Those are some serious fossils. 

I would imagine any top notch museum would clamber for such specimens.

Please continue to delight us with your future meetings.


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6 hours ago, -Andy- said:

A real baby Dromaeosaur



I've seen closeups of this specimen before. To me something looked very wrong on it. I suspect this might be a partial real specimen with a lot of sculpting going on, especially on the skull.

Olof Moleman AKA Lord Trilobite

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8 hours ago, LordTrilobite said:

I've seen closeups of this specimen before. To me something looked very wrong on it. I suspect this might be a partial real specimen with a lot of sculpting going on, especially on the skull.


I was told the same thing by another expert who examined the fossil. But Calvin confirmed that the dealer had showed him pics of the excavation and the entire prepping process, so he's sure of its authenticity.

Looking forward to meeting my fellow Singaporean collectors! Do PM me if you are a Singaporean, or an overseas fossil-collector coming here for a holiday!

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Wonderful!! Thanks for sharing this. It's always great to see fellow fossil enthusiasts getting together and sharing knowledge, hunting stories, breaking bread and exchanging material. 


"There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why.....i dream of things that never were, and ask why not?" ~RFK
->Get your Mosasaur print
->How to spot a fake Trilobite
->How to identify a CONCRETION from a DINOSAUR EGG

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43 minutes ago, Nimravis said:

@-Andy- like all of the other years, great post. Love the pics, what an amazing collection. What did you get in your trades?


This was the first year where I got nothing haha. Overspent recently, and I am still saving for Tucson. But there certainly were many fossils I was eyeing, especially Calvin's 5-incher Carch. Pity he's not selling.


2 hours ago, Troodon said:


Thanks Troodon. What are your honest thoughts on this specimen? As said, another expert expressed doubt about the skull, so I am curious as to what you think. 

Looking forward to meeting my fellow Singaporean collectors! Do PM me if you are a Singaporean, or an overseas fossil-collector coming here for a holiday!

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5 hours ago, -Andy- said:


Thanks Troodon. What are your honest thoughts on this specimen? As said, another expert expressed doubt about the skull, so I am curious as to what you think. 

Well I gave you a way out with that article but here are my thoughts.  The article was very convincing nothing was done to the skeleton and that may be spot on.  So did he receive an already altered or fabricated skull.  When you compare the skull to images of an adult it looks very fake.  Yes you are comparing an adult to a baby still the fine features are missing.  For example: teeth are wrong, proportions off, nasal is way off.   The skull is missing a Premaxillary, no maxillary to pre-max separation, the dentary is one solid piece missing pits, ridges etc,  it goes on and on.

I do not see the elements that make up a skull or the sutures that connect them.


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8 hours ago, Troodon said:

Yes these are the closeup photos I was talking about. I completely agree the skull just looks off. Better yet, comparing it to the skull of Bambiraptor might be a closer analog as it's a small bodied Dromaeosaur that some believe is a juvenile. Which is also not a very good match with this one. I think other parts of the skeleton also seem to lack some detail, like the dorsal vertebrae. Also I'm noticing now, that though the caudal vertebrae do look very much real, they are not consistent with Dromaeosaurids. There should be long thin zygapophyses running along the top and bottom sides of the caudal vertebrae. So I think this might be a composite and possibly not a Dromaeosaurid.


Bambiraptor skull.



Velociraptor tail with lots of thin zygapophyses running along the length of much of the tail.


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Olof Moleman AKA Lord Trilobite

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51 minutes ago, Troodon said:

Well I gave you a way out with that article but here are my thoughts.  The article was very convincing nothing was done to the skeleton and that may be spot on.  So did he receive an already altered or fabricated skull.  When you compare the skull to images of an adult it looks very fake.  Yes you are comparing an adult to a baby still the fine features are missing.  For example: teeth are wrong, proportions off, nasal is way off.   The skull is missing a Premaxillary, no maxillary to pre-max separation, the dentary is one solid piece missing pits, ridges etc,  it goes on and on.

I do not see the elements that make up a skull or the sutures that connect them.


Thanks Troodon. We are all here to learn. Calvin doesn't come to the forums, but he told me before to inform him if any of his fossils were problematic. I once kept mum when I saw a misidentified fossil in someone's collection, and I was aghast when I later saw that fossil was sold to another friend at a hefty price.


As always, if you spot a problem fossil in my collection, please call me out.

Looking forward to meeting my fellow Singaporean collectors! Do PM me if you are a Singaporean, or an overseas fossil-collector coming here for a holiday!

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