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Is this Ohio creek find a fossil?


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 I found this in a creek, and would like to know if it is even a fossil.  The creek is in southern Ohio, in the mountains on the glacial boundary.  The river Teays ran through this location.  I usually just have a look if passing creeks and don't know a lot about fossils yet,  though I've found crinoids and brachipods in the same spot, and other fossils.  There are a lot of interesting geofacts.   I couldn't find any pictures online that look like this for anything mississipian.  This one is 145 grams.   (I guess the ruler is all inches, I thought one side was centi as I didn't pay close attention until I added them, sorry.)







Edited by kitteh
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Some sandstones will have harder areas within the whole.

When it is broken up and exposed to weathering the harder areas are more resistant and will stick out.

I think You have a piece of sandstone with some iron concretion and differential weathering.

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4 minutes ago, Wrangellian said:

I'm thinking what Innocentx said - burrows, but it's odd that they're all in a line (or 2 lines?) like that.

Worm tract housing or condo's? :rofl:

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