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Let's see your latest mailbox score - 2020!


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On 03/02/2020 at 9:24 AM, caterpillar said:


Dapalis macrurus from oligocene (stampian) of Provence


On 03/02/2020 at 3:19 PM, digit said:

Very interesting! The color of the matrix (especially the first) really resembles the oil shale that the fishes in the 18 inch layer of the Green River Formation are found in. At first I only briefly glanced at the fishes which looked so similar to the common Knightia eocaena that are found there. I had never heard of Dapalis macrurus before and a quick image search showed that the prominent dual dorsal fins confirm these are no Knightias. The preservation (and even matrix) look so similar to the Green River Fishes (which I know just a little about). Could you explain a bit more about the formation that these come from in France?






I hesitated on their provenance because i yet have a Dapalis macrurus from the Lubéron, Roussillon, with also a knightiae and a Diplomystus from the Green River Formation and i agree their fossilization looks like each other. But i didn't recognized the species (i'm absolutely unschooled about fishes).


"On ne voit bien que par le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

"We only well see with the heart, the essential is invisible for the eyes."


In memory of Doren


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Indeed. The matrix looks very similar to the 18 inch layer from the Green River Formation (though quite a distance away both in time and geography). :)


I only have limited experience in Green River Formation fishes (see my avatar ;)) and just learned about the Dapalis macrurus from this topic. New knowledge often comes from unseen sources. :)






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Today I recieved a very exciting parcel with fossils which I bought as an early birthday present. :D 


A very nice high quality Opalised belemnite (Neohibolites sp.) found in the opal fields of the Bulldog Shale, Coober Pedy, Australia (Cretaceous, 135 mya)

And I also recieved a block with a couple of opalised clams (Cyrenopsis australiensis) from the same location for free :) 


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Interested in all things paleontology, geology, zoology, evolution, natural history and science!
Professional exotic pet keeper, huge fantasy geek, explorer of the microfossil realm, member of the BVP (Belgian Association for Paleontology), Volunteer prepper at Oertijdmuseum Boxtel.  

View my collection topic here:

The Growing Collection of Ziggycardon
My animal collection at the "Members pet" topic

Ziggycardon's exploration of the microfossil realm

Trips to Eben Emael (Maastrichtian of Belgium)

My latest fossil hunt


Next project will be a dedicated prepping space.


"A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge." - Tyrion Lannister




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I recently commanded sponges, and it arrived yesterday with a nice lot of sup. :



Porospongia marginata ; Niort ; Deux Sèvres department ; France ; Oxfordien



Tremadictyon verticulatum ; Safi ; Maroc ; Berriasian



Cupulina elata ; Saumur ; France ; Senonian



Peronidella cf. allaudensis ; Safi ; Maroc ; Berriasian




And here is the supplement in the packet wrote "gratuit" :





And two goodies !


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"On ne voit bien que par le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

"We only well see with the heart, the essential is invisible for the eyes."


In memory of Doren


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1 hour ago, fifbrindacier said:

I recently commanded sponges, and it arrived yesterday



Very nice, Sophie, love the second one in particular. :)

Did you get your rubbish prize yet? 

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Life's Good!

Tortoise Friend.


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2 minutes ago, Tidgy's Dad said:

Very nice, Sophie, love the second one in particular. :)

Did you get your rubbish prize yet? 

No, not yet, but soon.:D

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"On ne voit bien que par le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

"We only well see with the heart, the essential is invisible for the eyes."


In memory of Doren


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A nifty little fossil arrived this morning, a Hell Creek Dromaeosaur claw from @hxmendoza . we are very grateful to Henry for his patience. I think this is a fine compliment to our other Maniraptorian fossils. 



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Sophie, it almost looks like you just rolled some clay over that tablecloth it's on! :)


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Very nice Sophie! The Porospongia marginata is my favorite! :wub:

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The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.  -Neil deGrasse Tyson


Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't. -Bill Nye (The Science Guy)

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On 2/4/2020 at 1:53 PM, ziggycardon said:

A very nice high quality Opalised belemnite (Neohibolites sp.)

Very beautiful! 

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The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.  -Neil deGrasse Tyson


Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't. -Bill Nye (The Science Guy)

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here is basically a max sized athleta athleta, and they dont get much better than this:D, nice colours for barton




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Thanks to Doren @caldigger I received a nice small Priority Box full of micro matrix from his favorite Bakersfield hunting site- let’s see how many fossils are in here, I’m guessing a lot.


 Thanks again



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3 hours ago, will stevenson said:

here is basically a max sized athleta athleta, and they dont get much better than this:D, nice colours for barton


Good colours, size and detail for the Barton Beds.

Nice. :)

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Life's Good!

Tortoise Friend.


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12 hours ago, britishcanuk said:

Got this great white shark tooth from Baja in the mail today. Love the colour and size of this tooth!   

0BF93A51-80E3-4E33-B19F-F33FA672AE01.jpeg 4E12A79A-75F4-47D1-820C-BAFB33588FF0.jpeg


Me want!  :envy:


So since you were thoughtful enough to not include any type of scale, what size is it?

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15 hours ago, Nimravis said:

Thanks to Doren @caldigger I received a nice small Priority Box full of micro matrix from his favorite Bakersfield hunting site- let’s see how many fossils are in here, I’m guessing a lot.

STH micro-matrix is fun stuff to look through--a nice diversity and the colors are wonderful.


The elasmo.com site was built with frames which makes providing links to anything but the top level page impossible. :wacko: That being said, go to the website and click the tiny "FAUNAS" link across the top navigation bar. You'll see "SHARKTOOTH HILL" appear in a side navigation bar. This will take you to a nice page describing the formation and showing examples of the species you are likely to find in the micro-matrix. You can click on any of the species to see a more detailed write-up with more photos. The micro-fossil species are mixed in with the larger species but have a look through all of them before you start picking. It will prime your search image while picking. ;)








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On 11/02/2020 at 7:46 PM, caldigger said:

Sophie, it almost looks like you just rolled some clay over that tablecloth it's on! :)


Yes, and that sponge look vey much like that morel :



"On ne voit bien que par le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

"We only well see with the heart, the essential is invisible for the eyes."


In memory of Doren


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I’ve been really busy lately and part of that is a redesign of our shark displays. We are going to a taxonomic based display style. This is keeping me busy and the various teeth we picked up to enhance this are trickling in. 


The 4 gem jars on the left contain teeth sent to us by @Troodon . Frank has been incredible in his generosity and sharing of fossils plus his immense knowledge. There are some Batoid teeth and two Eocene Orectolobformes teeth which are fantastic. The show stopper is a beautiful Megachasma tooth from Chile. It’s really gorgeous and very generous. 


The two teeth on the right are also pretty cool. A Cretaceous Heterodontus tooth from Texas and a Paleocene Heterodontus from Morocco. 


I would give more complete information but I have to get to work soon. Fantastic additions. 


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On 2/4/2020 at 10:53 AM, ziggycardon said:

Today I recieved a very exciting parcel with fossils which I bought as an early birthday present. :D 


A very nice high quality Opalised belemnite (Neohibolites sp.) found in the opal fields of the Bulldog Shale, Coober Pedy, Australia (Cretaceous, 135 mya)

And I also recieved a block with a couple of opalised clams (Cyrenopsis australiensis) from the same location for free :) 



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I got a double whammy in the mailbox today.

First off,  I recieved a package from our esteemed member Nimravis.  He sent me some terrific artifact pieces. 

A couple of pottery shards from the native Mimbres tribe of New Mexico.  Also was included was a middle Paleolithic ( approx. 60k years ago ) bi-face tool ( scraper? ) from Algeria and a tektite from Thailand.

Thank you Ralph!!! :D 



Secondly came a quite heavy slab ( 12 lbs! ) of nicely detailed reptile/ amphibian tracks from early Permian of northeastern New Mexico.


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7 minutes ago, Nimravis said:

Wow that is a heavy piece.

Ya, I was expecting something lighter like the fish slabs of Green River shale.

When I picked up the box I thought "Whow!" maybe they sent me the wrong item. But it was all good.  I'm really relieved our postal gorillas didn't smash it.


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Two weeks ago acquired this really enigmatic piece. 


Its an Oredont, Merycoidodon culbertsani, from the White River Formation of Pennington County, South Dakota


This piece preserves the left maxilla and molars, with portions of the jugal and frontal bones present as well. Additionally, you can also see part of the orbit too.


I appreciate this specimen even more when taking into consideration that I scored this piece for a cool $10.


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15 hours ago, caldigger said:


Secondly came a quite heavy slab ( 12 lbs! ) of nicely detailed reptile/ amphibian tracks from early Permian of northeastern New Mexico.

Definitely one of the best mailbox scores to date. Beautiful track way. :envy: :wub:

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